Sum up & display at IFA signed by LFM

Unique events and incentive trips: the LFM experience at the service of your success

If you are looking for a reliable and creative partner for planning and organizing unforgettable events and tailor-made incentive trips, the LFM agency is the ideal choice. With a division dedicated to events and travel, LFM has demonstrated over the last 20 years that it possesses a high expertise in this sector, winning prestigious awards such as the BEA Awards for the best technological event with Fashion Flair in 2019.

1. Unique Events: Rewarded Creativity and Success

LFM stands out for the planning and implementation of unique events, capable of capturing the attention and leaving an indelible mark in the memory of the participants. Thanks to its consolidated experience, the agency knows how to create suggestive and engaging atmospheres, personalizing every detail to meet the specific needs of the client. The victory of the BEA Awards is just one of the many recognitions obtained, testimony to the dedication and quality of LFM's proposals.

2. Events in the Metaverse: Exploring New Dimensions

LFM doesn't stop at traditional physical locations but goes further, offering event planning and organization services in the metaverse. This new frontier of digital experience allows you to push boundaries and reach a global audience in an innovative and exciting way. With LFM, the future of events is already here.

3. Incentive Travel: Dream Destinations

The organization of incentive trips is another strong point of LFM. Thanks to a network of international partners and a meticulous attention to detail, the agency creates exclusive and unforgettable travel experiences. Incentive travel is a powerful tool for motivating employees and a way to celebrate business success in heavenly and evocative settings.

4. Classy Hospitality: Every Client is a VIP

For LFM, customer satisfaction is at the heart of every initiative. With the hospitality services, LFM makes sure that every customer feels like a real VIP, pampered and assisted at all times. Attention to the customer is a fundamental value, and LFM is committed to offering an exclusive and flawless experience at every occasion.

5. Engaging Team Building: Strengthen the Work Group

A cohesive team is the key to business success. LFM offers bespoke team building services, designed to foster collaboration, communication and trust within the work team. Through engaging and stimulating activities, participants will get to know each other better and learn to work together in a synergistic way.

SumUp: Revolution in Payment via POS

Among the numerous companies that have chosen LFM as a partner for the realization of successful events and exhibition structures, the name of SumUp stands out. With a solid reputation in the POS payment industry, SumUp is a pioneering company offering innovative and cost-effective solutions for professionals and businesses around the world.


Gianluca Cotroneo, Manager of SumUp, shares his experience with LFM: "I have had the pleasure of collaborating with LFM for the past 10 years. I have had the opportunity to define various projects with LFM, including the latest at IFA in Berlin with Sum Up, where LFM organized the booth for our company. LFM supported us, allowing us to best present the line up of our SumUp products. This ensured that the company was present during the event, with an international touch during a extremely important event."



The collaboration between LFM and SumUp is an example of how LFM's experience and creativity can contribute to the success and visibility of leading international companies, allowing them to best express their potential during global events.


In conclusion, the LFM agency is the ideal partner to design and execute unique events, incentive trips and successful team building services. With the support of LFM, companies can reach new heights and celebrate success in a memorable way, creating extraordinary experiences for their customers and collaborators.

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