
AI Masterclass: check out day 1 speakers

Written by editorial | 8 Sep 2023

VIP speakers to cover a very important topic

After the opening of registrations for the first AI masterclass of LFM University ( 6/7 October in Milan), today LFM announces the manes of the experts who will take part to the course as speakers.

In addition to the already announced digital entrepreneur Yeseul Kim, LFM University will host speeches by various industry experts such as Dayana Mejias Roman, Giuseppe Mayer, Luca Lisci, Shalini Kurapati, Marcela Sabino. In this article we will get to know them a little more closely.


Dayana Mejias founder & CEO of Viblio

Dayana Mejias Roman is a brilliant entrepreneur who helps organizations manage transformation processes, with a particular focus on implementations of New Technologies for retraining, acceleration of competitiveness levels and organizational changes.

With training that boasts the best schools, Dayana is a Professional Affiliate at the San'Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa, a professor at the MIB Trieste at the Executive MBA in Innovation (EMBAIN) and is one of the main experts in complex negotiations and in the management of organizational conflicts at the European House Ambrosetti.

She has collaborated with various companies in the fields of organizational conflict management and strategic communication including: Alitalia, Avio Aero, Banca Ifis, Banco Popolare, Banca Unicredit, BNL, Banca Intesa SanPaolo, Banca Popolare dell'Emilia Romagna, Banca Popolare di Vicenza , Bonfiglioli, Cassa di Risparmio di Asti, Credit Suisse, Comer S.p.A, CRIF, Danieli, Edipower, Edison, Ferrari, Fiat, Finmeccanica, Generali, GDF Suez Energia, Google, Iren, Illy, Lavazza, Microsoft, Nestlé, Oracle, Pietro Rosa, Sanofi Aventis, Seat Pagine Gialle, Siemens, Sony, Warrant Group, Telecom Italia, Thermokey and Vodafone.

Dayana has led challenging projects on human resource alignment and mobilization internationally, especially alongside top management to achieve business results in companies such as: Bayer, Bolton Group, Benetton, Banca Pekao (Unicredit Poland), Buitoni (Nestlé) , Edipower, Faber Industries, Federlegno-Arredo, Generali, Haier, Randstad, the Lombardy Region, Telecom and Vimar.

To complete a level profile, Roman also boasts publications including: "Changes" (2012) Rubettino, "The mobilization of human resources in an era of crisis" (2009) and "Building value by investing in human capital" ( 2012) The Ambrosetti.

Dayana collaborates with Stanford University Business School, Harvard University, MIT and the Milan Polytechnic in the areas of Negotiation and Organizational Communication.

Giuseppe Mayer, CEO of BeWoW

With over 25 years of experience in the digital sector, Giuseppe Meyer is an entrepreneur, manager and speaker who helps companies and organizations shape their future with innovation and creativity. Today he is CEO of BeWow, a group of four companies dedicated to digital engagement, created to support companies in changing the dynamics of engagement with their customers.

Giuseppe has consolidated his reputation as one of the leading experts in brand and marketing strategy having held senior roles in multinational communication companies such as Wpp, Publicis, Dentsu and Armando Testa Group with a significant track record of growth and talent enhancement.

He founded Antifragile, a digital consultancy laboratory focused on training executives and investing in startups working on technologies for digital transformation (areas covered: fin-tech, eCommerce, sports communities and digital well-being). He is convinced that digital innovation, combined with continuous professional development, is essential to ensure corporate sustainability and to promote concrete and conscious individual and collective commitment.

In addition to his professional responsibilities, Giuseppe is a contract professor at IULM University, with a specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Corporate Communication. He is also the author of the forthcoming volume "AI Compass; Guiding Corporate Communication to a Human-Centric Evolution", for the publisher Bocconi University Press.


Luca Lisci founder of Next Present

Luca boasts a thirty-year career in the innovation sector focused on human development through the ethical use of technologies: a former design executive in international ICT, finance and publishing companies, he is also a researcher in business strategy applied to emerging technologies with particular reference to Artificial Intelligence, entrepreneur, investor in start-ups and journalist which you can read about in ilSole24ore. Luca is the founder and CEO of NextPresent, part of the Newton Group.

Some articles by Luca here:


Shalini Kurapati co founder Clearbox AI

Shalini Kurapati is the co-founder of Clearbox AI solutions. Thanks to her multidisciplinary experience and the intersection of technology, policy and management, Shalini today has come to lead all strategy, operations and development at Clearbox AI. Prior to Clearbox AI, he successfully co-founded an AI consultancy in the Netherlands and was part of the data management project pilot team at TU Delft.

Shalini comes from a strong research background and is an expert in data management and privacy. During her past experience as a data steward she worked on issues of transparency, privacy and fairness in data lifecycles. Now he is translating his expertise into fairness and transparency of ML algorithms.

He has extensive international professional experience in the Netherlands, Sweden, India and the USA. She is an effective communicator and can engage with both technical and non-technical audiences. He worked as a freelance journalist for the Times of India, India's largest-circulation English newspaper. He has delivered numerous courses, trainings and presentations on the use of simulation and gaming tools for operational resilience in the US, the Netherlands, Germany and Greece.

Shalini has also been invited to speak at conferences on research data management and data lifecycle transparency in Italy, Austria and Germany.

He received his PhD from TU Delft, The Netherlands, focusing on situational awareness, information processing and decision making in complex socio-technical systems. She is also a Certified Informational Privacy Professional/Europe (CIPP/E) with demonstrable knowledge of GDPR and European e-Privacy laws.
Shalini strongly believes that artificial intelligence can add tremendous value to society as long as human beings are still involved.


Marcela Sabino foresight strategist & innovation expert

Marcela is a foresight strategist, creative director and innovation designer with over 18 years of experience. Its mission is to design more inclusive and sustainable futures on earth, in the metaverse and in space. For more than 6 years, she was the laboratory director and innovation manager at the Museum of Tomorrow, where she developed projects using technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, 3D printing, robotics, big data and IoT. Previously, he worked with the World Bank, IFC, IDB, UN and in companies. Most recently, she was Innovation Strategy Lead at 500 Global (formerly 500 Startups), a venture capital firm. She is the co-founder and CEO of Rarelight Immersive, a company that creates unforgettable immersive experiences using virtual and augmented reality, animations and AI avatars.

YuSeul Kim 

YeSeul Kim is a serial entrepreneur with a long experience in international companies, universities and innovation centers. A graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), one of the most important research universities in the world based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, after her studies YeSeul worked for the most important international companies such as Procter & Gamble, in the Consumer & Market Research division ; was Director of Operations at Ashoka International Organization, made a tremendous contribution as Vice President Strategy at the Kendall Square Innovation Center in Cambridge MA, and later as an executive at H-FARM. Today she is the founder of Constitute Meta, which acts as a bridge between the "curious meta" and all those interested in everything related to the world of WEB 3.0 and the world of artificial intelligence.

How to take part to AI masterclass

Participation in the masterclasses of the LFM University is limited in order to allow a high quality of content delivery and workshops.

The partners will receive an email inviting them to participate and specifying the number of places available free of charge.