LFM university

We invest in our people development as well as our partner's 

The announcement of the creation of the LFM university, unveiled on the day of the "A new era is coming" event, aroused the interest of many, creating a positive debate and arousing clamor for the extent of the investments planned for the two-year period 2023-2024.

LFM Spa, leader in the agency sector, which offers logistics & retail solutions, business intelligence, events & incentive travel, marketing & strategy, during the "A new era is coming" event unveiled the creation of a real education which is based on three main pillars: remote training tools, masterclass courses also open to partners and "Hello events" networking events to create business opportunities.

But what exactly is it about?


LFM University: e-learning, masterclass & networking events

The education program announced by LFM provides for a series of investments in education for a value of €500,000 for the next two years, which will serve to subsidize tools and masterclass courses dedicated to internal agency employees but also to partners, a strong sign that the The agency wants to invest in people and return added value to its customers.

In addition to the e-learning tools, which will allow the agency to guarantee fast and smart training even remotely for its employees, a masterclass program was presented with the most varied topics. The target? Always stay up to date.

The world is changing, technologies are making the world of work evolve, artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly popular and it becomes essential to understand how to shed your skin in a changing world.

For this reason, a vast portfolio of courses has been created, open not only to internal employees but also to a selection of partners, held by professors from the most prestigious universities in the world, together with industry experts.

The first masterclass will be held on 6/7 October and will be themed on artificial intelligence at the service of business.

Masterclass on Artificial intelligence

6/7 October with MIT professors

The masterclass will include an intense program with the aim of educating participants on the main artificial intelligence tools at the service of the company, the detailed program will be released in mid-September.

The two days will include both theoretical parts and "hands on" sessions to ensure a better understanding of the tools.

Enrollments will be limited, to allow high quality classroom training.

Partners will receive an invitation email specifying the number of free tickets.

It will also be possible to participate for a fee, online, by pre-registering via email and giving a deposit to reserve priority registration. We will publish the instructions and procedure in mid-September for pre-registrations. The cost of participating in the online session is €400 per person.


Hello events!

As part of the education and business programme, LFM university also organizes a series of networking events called the "Hello events". These are events intended to generate connections and nurture business opportunities and "multi-sector contamination".

During aperitifs or dinners, with limited numbers, senior company figures and industry experts will be able to discuss ideas, topics of common interest and above all networking and, why not, even lay the foundations for common partnerships or collaborations.


LFM  investment on people: Jasmine Ferraris point of view

"Creating LFM University was an important step for us" says Jasmine Ferraris "a way to guarantee, on the one hand, our partners the best team ever, on the other  to give back value to our customers with masterclasses open to them too. It's nice to think that an agency also invests in clients and returns part of its earnings in a different form. I want to think of my company in this way, different from all the others."


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